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Getting Your German Shepherd Puppy Off to the Right Start

Introducing Your German Shepherd Puppy

Introducing a new puppy into your home is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. German shepherds are especially well-known for their intelligence and enthusiasm, which means they have the potential to learn quickly if taught correctly. If you’re wondering where to start with your new pup, read on for some tips on training your German shepherd puppy.

Housebreaking Your German Shepherd Puppy

The first step in training any puppy should be housebreaking. Depending on the age of your particular puppy, this could take anywhere from several days to several weeks. The key is consistency; if you stick with a schedule, your pup will get used to going outside at regular intervals and will soon develop good habits for bathroom breaks. Additionally, it’s important to give lots of praise when your pup does something right - even if it’s something as simple as going to the bathroom outside - so that they know what behavior is expected of them.

Leash Training

Once you have established a consistent housebreaking schedule with your pup, it’s time to move onto leash training. Leash walking may seem intimidating at first, but don’t worry - with patience and the correct technique, even young puppies can learn how to walk tightly on a leash in no time! You may want to invest in some treats or toys that can serve as rewards while learning this skill; these will help keep your pup motivated and focused while out on walks. Additionally, make sure that you use a comfortable harness or collar (depending on your preference) so that neither of you becomes uncomfortable during training sessions.

Basic Commands

Teaching basic commands is one of the most important parts of training a German shepherd puppy because it sets them up for more advanced commands down the line. Start by teaching them simple commands such as “sit” and “stay”; once they understand those concepts and are able to perform them reliably (with treats or other forms of positive reinforcement), move onto more complex commands like “come” and “down." You should also teach them their name so that they respond when called; this is especially important for safety reasons!

With patience and consistency, teaching a German shepherd puppy can be an enjoyable experience for both owner and pet alike! By starting off with basics such as housebreaking and leash walking before moving onto more complex commands like “sit” and “come," you will be setting yourself up for success down the line when it comes to training sessions. Don't forget - reward good behavior often with treats or toys so that your pup knows which behaviors are expected of them! When done correctly, teaching your German shepherd puppy should be an incredibly rewarding experience for both parties involved - enjoy every moment!

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